Me and ET.jpg

Hello! My name is Mike and I like to write. I think I am pretty good at it too. I just wish I did it more. That’s where you come in.

More on that later though.

Here’s a little bit about me so you can understand where I am coming from:

  • I’m in my 40’s

  • I live in Michigan

  • I work in Marketing and Public Relations

  • I have been married for 20 years

  • I have two daughters

  • I love football, video games, hip hop, craft beer and unique cocktails

  • I love spicy food but sour beer

  • I have been part of a consistently active role playing group for nearly 20 years

  • I’m not allowed near MMORPGs because I have an addiction issue

  • My entire family is psychotic about Disney

  • I am obsessed with Halloween

I am picking up a book I started to write back in the early 90’s. It’s based on a world I created called Xenia and the characters featured within are inspired by the characters my friends played in our high school Dungeons & Dragons group.

This was a project I worked feverishly on in high school…and then just sort of stopped. First came college, then came marriage, then came two daughters in a baby carriage. Not to say I couldn’t have written during those years. I just didn’t. I was working crazy hours trying to build my career and provide for my family. Then I started and ran a small business for 16 years. Time just sort of evaporated. Still not an ironclad excuse but for whatever reason I only sporadically picked up the book again and followed my dream of being an author, the dream I have had since my earliest memories in elementary school.

Bottom line is I am sometimes bad at doing things for myself but I will frequently go out of my way for others. Thinking back to every good writing project I have ever done, they were almost always for someone else or to impress others. This book has always been about me. It’s time to change that by trying a basic psychology trick. I am now going to make this book about you, the reader. If I know you are waiting for it, and anxiously awaiting updates, and excited for the final product, I know myself well enough to know that is what will motivate me to keep going and ultimately, hopefully, finish.